BH Brow Henna bestseller in persistent eyebrow staining

More recently, eyebrow correction specialists were often forced to refuse customers with pinched or damaged eyebrows, and clients - for months to grow eyebrows or tattoo eyebrows, if it was impossible to grow them.

For the first time, the founders of the Academy of Lash & Brow Irina Levchuk and Natalia Krasnoperova were thinking about using henna for eyebrows coloring. Being experienced brow-masters, Irina and Natalia set the task to develop a product that can completely transform the shape of the eyebrows, hide flaws and emphasize virtues without resorting to permanent make-up. In 2012, with the support of the experts of Lash & Brow Design Academy, a special formula BH Brow Henna with caring natural ingredients was developed to accelerate the growth of the bunched brows, as well as the coloring properties of not only hairs, but also the skin. BH Brow Henna has become a real alternative to the coloring of eyebrows with paint, because none of them could not cope with the problem of periwit or imperfect eyebrows. Thus, henna eyebrow BH Brow Henna appeared on the market, which has no analogues in the world and is still considered the leader in its segment as the most high-quality and easy-to-use product.

The secret of henna BH Brow Henna by Levchuk - in a special formula based on natural ingredients, which allows you to color not only the hairs, but also the skin. It is proved that henna Brow Henna also gently cares for damaged and weak hairs, restores eyebrows growth by 60%.

Eyebrow coloring with henna BH Brow Henna allows you to save the effect of tattooing on the skin from 5 to 14 days and up to 6-7 weeks - on hairs. A special formula allows you to paint not only the hairs, but also shade the skin, providing an impeccable shape, even if the hairs in this zone temporarily or permanently do not grow. Features of the dye are that with his help you can create almost any shape of the eyebrows, not based on natural data. Within 5-14 days, henna gently washed off the skin, remaining in the same color, only becoming paler.

Designed specifically for eyebrows, BHBrowHenna is presented in a wide palette of colors. With the help of 10 shades you can achieve the right color for a wide variety of colors: blondes, redheads, brown-haired and brunettes. And with the help of 2 additional concentrates - amber and graphite, you can create an even wider palette of shades.
